Everything To Know About Conservative Cosmetic Dentistry in Sydney

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If you’re hesitant about cosmetic dentistry and the thought of long procedures and treatments, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Everyone wants a gorgeous smile but isn’t too keen on undergoing major dental treatments. The good news is, sometimes it’s possible to achieve that perfect smile with just less invasive and complicated procedures. At Our Dental Care, our conservative cosmetic dentistry in Sydney involves working with the teeth you already have and making small changes to give you that dream smile. So, read on to learn more.

What Is Conservative Cosmetic Dentistry?

The idea behind conservative cosmetic dentistry is to keep your natural teeth as intact as possible when a dentist is doing dental work. This means that tooth-colored fillings are used instead of silver amalgam to avoid changing the natural look of your teeth.

If the dentist needs to clean out plaque, decay, or disease, they’ll only remove what’s necessary to keep your tooth healthy, without changing your tooth’s shape too much. After all, the goal is to protect and preserve your natural smile, so you don’t have to return for other dental procedures.

Why Dentists Have Adopted This Dental Procedure?

Many dentists have incorporated conservative dentistry into their practice because it offers many benefits to their practice while saving their natural teeth. Its success is largely due to the gradual, systematic approach it adopts, enabling patients to achieve their long-term dental goals while reducing stress and saving costs.

By focusing on preserving as much of the tooth’s base as possible, the need for a full crown is reduced. This not only saves you money on future appointments but also makes the whole process a lot more relaxed and comfortable for you.

Benefits Of Conservative Cosmetic Dentistry In Sydney

As the conservative cosmetic dentistry in Sydney keeps getting better, more and more of our patients are opting for it to give them a better smile.

Small Changes, Big Improvements

Conservative cosmetic dentistry does wonders for a patient’s smile with just a few procedures. For instance, contouring and bonding can give you a more even, flaw-free smile. This involves your dentist gently reshaping one of your teeth and adding a composite resin material to enhance its appearance.

The good news is, this process doesn’t require any permanent changes to your tooth structure and it’s a lot less invasive than other options.

No Pain, Better Gain

There are cosmetic dental procedures that are pain-free or only cause minimal discomfort. The more conservative the treatment is, the less discomfort you’ll feel. If needed, your dentist can give you a local anesthetic to make the process more comfortable.

It Is Less Expensive

It has also become more affordable and widely available as the demand for these procedures has increased in Sydney to suit your budget. So, it is recommended that you consult with your dentist to determine the best solution for you.

Sometimes, a portion of the cost may be covered by your health insurance, making it even more cost-effective. Before undergoing any cosmetic dental procedure, it is essential to understand the cost and potential health insurance benefits fully. Here at Our Dental Care, our dentist can provide you with the information necessary to make an informed decision when you book an appointment.

You Can Either Choose Single Or Multiple Appointment Options

Finally, with the multitude of conservative dentistry options available, you can select the best one to meet your specific needs. We have treatments, such as dental veneers, which can be completed in a single visit, while others may require multiple appointments.

We can help you schedule appointments that work for your schedule, and in some instances, you can receive treatment without the need for time off from work or school. Just be sure to discuss these options with us.

Key Takeaway

Indeed, conservative cosmetic dentistry in Sydney presents patients with less invasive and more comfortable options to achieve their dream smile. So, don’t be the last patient to try this and wear the best smile you definitely deserve!

Get in touch with Our Dental Care today to learn more. See the full list of our dental services here.


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