Gum Disease in Drummoyne – What is it?

Gum disease refers to the inflammation of the surrounding tissue of your teeth due to the buildup of bacteria. As the disease progresses, you may experience sensitive and wobbly teeth. You may also be at risk of getting painful infections which will lead to your teeth needing to be extracted.

Do I need Gum Disease Treatment in Drummoyne?

Do I need Gum Disease Treatment in Drummoyne?

Do I need Gum Disease Treatment in Drummoyne?

On your initial examination, your teeth and your gums will be diagnosed by your dentist in Drummoyne. An x-ray and a periodontal probe will be done to check the bone levels around the teeth. Our patients will have their gums checked for:

  • Swelling, bleeding and redness
  • Signs of receding gums i.e. being ‘long in the tooth’
  • Halitosis or ‘bad breath’
  • Painful teeth to biting where the root canal appears to be intact
  • Abnormally sensitive teeth where the dentine (yellow sensitive part of the tooth) begins to show

Gum Disease in Drummoyne – Causes

As we eat and function every day, we harbour billions of bacteria in our mouths. Our mouth is a perfect ecosystem complete with nutrients and undisturbed pockets underneath our gums. Over time, the calcium will harden the plaque and form tartar. Unfortunately, this cannot be cleaned, and you will need to visit your dentist every 6 months to get it removed.

The bacteria will continually release toxins that cause your gums to recede and allow more space for the bacteria to grow along your tooth roots. This vicious cycle continues until your gums can not hold your teeth anymore, and your teeth need to be taken out.

There are some situations where a person would be more likely to develop gum disease and require gum disease treatment. Our Drummoyne patients should be aware of the following:

  • When you do not floss or brush regularly, the bacteria will build up much faster, causing more damage in between dental visits. Therefore, we urge you to brush twice a day and floss once a day at least. Bleeding gums during brushing is a telltale sign of gum disease.
  • If you are a smoker, you are increasing your chance of getting gum disease. Therefore, you are also increasing the chance that your teeth will fall out. Due to the way that cigarette smoke interacts with your body, your gums will not bleed as much which masks its inflammation. So, even if you do not experience bleeding, you are still at greater risk of gum issues.
  • If you are pregnant, your hormones will begin to cause inflammation of your gums, especially during the second trimester. You may be tempted to avoid brushing due to your morning sickness and being extra sensitive to certain stimuli. Some steps you can take are: talking to your dentist at the beginning of your pregnancy, avoiding an unhealthy diet, and making sure you take care of your teeth with brushing and flossing.

When Should You See A Dentist For Gum Disease Treatment In Sydney?

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a common condition that affects many adults in Sydney. It is caused by bacterial infections that attack the gums and other tissues that surround and support the teeth.

If left untreated, gum disease can cause a wide range of oral health problems, including tooth loss and bone damage. Here are some signs you should see a dentist for gum disease treatment in Sydney.

You Have Red, Inflamed Gums That Bleed Easily

The bacteria that causes gingivitis causes inflamed gums. If left untreated, inflamed gums can create pockets around the teeth and lead to tooth loss. This is why those who have inflamed gums should consider visiting a dentist in Drummoyne, Sydney.

Inflamed gums may be redder in appearance instead of pink. Your gum may feel painful or tender and bleed easily when you brush or floss your teeth.

You Have Bad Breath (Halitosis)

The truth is, your mouth is home to billions of bacteria. And if you do not brush your teeth regularly, the bacteria in your mouth feed on the plaque buildup. The more plaque you have, the more bacteria feed and cause bad breath.

So, the more of that you have, the bigger the buffet of bacteria is there inside your mouth causing bad breath. It’s because bacteria release toxins that can irritate both your gums and teeth and give off a foul smell.

Bad breath is a warning sign of gum disease. So, if you have chronic bad breath that doesn’t go away with proper oral hygiene, it might be time to see a dentist for gum disease treatment.

You Experience Gum Recession

Your gums are likely shrinking if they look longer than they used to. Gum recession is a symptom of advanced periodontitis and can have serious side effects. When the bone starts to seize up, the gums start separating from the tooth which creates a pocket called receding gums. Loss of gum tissue around the teeth can lead to exposed roots or result in tooth loss.

Keep in mind that the treatment for advanced periodontitis can involve antibiotics, scaling, and grafting.

You Experience Increased Tooth Sensitivity

Ever tried sipping a cold drink and it made you wince? It’s probably because your teeth are extra sensitive and telling you something that you shouldn’t ignore.

Temperature sensitivity in teeth, specifically, is a symptom of gum disease that occurs alongside gum recession. With gum recession, the sensitive part of your tooth — known as dentin — is exposed causing sensitive teeth when exposed to cold water.

If your teeth are more sensitive to hot or cold food and beverages than usual, seek gum disease treatment from a dentist in Sydney.

You Have Shifting, Wiggly Teeth

Have you noticed that your smile looks a little bit different lately? Gum disease can damage the bones that hold teeth in place, causing them to shift, wiggle, or loosen. It can even change the way your teeth fit together when you bite. The good news is, after your gum disease treatment in Sydney, your dentist can offer various teeth straightening solutions i.e Invisalign or braces.

What Are The Gum Disease Treatments In Sydney?

At Our Dental Care, the leading dental clinic in Drummoyne, our goal is to control your infection. Our dentist will examine your teeth and gums to know where to start treating your gum disease.

Deep Cleaning

The first line of treatment for gum disease is in-depth, careful cleaning. Compared to regular cleaning, which is typically only done above your gum line, our dentists deeply clean your gum line using special dental instruments.

Dental Scaling

Our dentists can also save your gums with dental scaling. This dental treatment scrape off tartar both above and below your gum line. It helps to stop the harmful effects of gum disease and keeps your mouth healthy. This is usually done if a patient has chronic periodontal disease.

Root Planning

We can also treat gum disease through root planning. Generally, it is one of the initial steps in treating gum and bone disease. It helps to remove bacteria along their toxins, tartar, and other diseased deposits from the surfaces of tooth roots to smoothen out and reattach the gums to your tooth.

After-Care Tips For Your Gums

It’s important to have extra care for your gums to ensure proper healing, especially if your treatment plan includes surgery. You can follow all of our instructions and tips for after-care for gum disease treatment below.

  • Avoid excessively cold or hot drinks and foods for a few days.
  • Avoid hard foods to prevent worsening irritation.
  • Rinse using salt water after the first 24 hours of treatment.
  • Use an ice compress to treat the swelling.
  • Don’t smoke.
  • Keep your healthy flossing and brushing habits in check.

Our dentist will likely book you for another visit to check how your gums have healed and if these after-care tips are working for you. If you’re worried that you might lose teeth because of gum disease, it won’t happen if you immediately take action by going to a dental clinic in Drummoyne, Sydney — Our Dental Care!

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